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Víquez-Paniagua, A.G., Leiva, J.C. and Mora-Esquivel, R. (2022) Entrepreneurial attitude in female Latin American university students: internal and external influences. Management Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
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Braun, I. & Sieger, P. (2021). Under Pressure: Family Financial Support and the Ambidextrous Use of Causation and Effectuation. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, accepted for publication.

García-Rodríguez, F.J.; Gil-Soto, E.; Ruiz-Rosa, I.; Gutiérrez-Taño, D. (2021). Economic Context and Entrepreneurial Intention: Analysis of Individuals’ Perceptions in a Spanish University Context. Entrepreneurship Research Journal

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Leiva, J.C., Mora-Esquivel, R., De La O-Cordero, D., Picado-Arroyo, R., Solís, M. (2021).
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Leiva, J.C., Mora-Esquivel, R., Krauss-Delorme, C., Bonomo-Odizzio, A. and Solís-Salazar, M. (2021). Entrepreneurial intention among Latin American university students. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

S. Gubik, A. (2021). Entrepreneurial career: Factors influencing the decision of Hungarian students. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 9(3), 43-58.


Gimenez-Jimenez, D., Edelman, L., Minola, T., Calabro, A. & Cassia, L. (2020). An Intergeneration Solidarity Perspective on Succession Intentions in Family Firms. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, forthcoming.

Gimenez-Jimenez, D., Edelman, L., Dawson, A. & Calabro, A. (2020). Women Entrepreneurs’ Progress in the Venturing Process: The Impact of Risk Aversion and Culture. Small Business Economics, forthcoming.

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Gillanders, R., Lyons, R., & van der Werff, L. (2020)
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Hahn, D. (2020). The psychological well-being of student entrepreneurs: a social identity perspective. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,
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Hahn, D., Minola, T., Bosio, G., & Cassia, L. (2020). The impact of entrepreneurship education on university students’ entrepreneurial skills: a family embeddedness perspective. Small Business Economics, 55, 257–282.


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Moreno-Gómez, J., Gómez-Araujo, E. and Castillo-De Andreis, R. (2019). Parental role models and entrepreneurial intentions in Colombia: Does gender play a moderating role?, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Carolin Palmer, Ulrike Fasbender, Sascha Kraus, Stephanie Birkner & Norbert Kailer (2019)A chip off the old block? The role of dominance and parental entrepreneurship for entrepreneurial intention. Review of Managerial Science

Ramos-Rodríguez, A.R., Medina-Garrido, J.A. & Ruiz-Navarro (2019)Why not now? Intended timing in entrepreneurial intentions. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, forthcoming.

Weiss, J., Anisimova, T., Shirokova, G. (2019)The translation of entrepreneurial intention into start-up behaviour: The moderating role of regional social capital. International Small Business Journal, 37(5): 473–501

Bogatyreva, K., Edelman, L., Manolova, T., Osiyevskyy, O., Shirokova, G. (2019)When do entrepreneurial intentions lead to actions? The role of national culture.Journal of Business Research, 96: 309-321.

Andrea S. Gubik, Szilveszter Farkas (2019). Entrepreneurial Intention in the Visegrad Countries. DANUBE: Law, Economics and Social Issues Review,10 (4),347–368 DOI: 10.2478/danb-2019-0018

Bartha, Z., Gubik, S.A., Bereczk, Á. (2019). The Social Dimension of the Entrepreneurial Motivation in the Central and Eastern European Countries. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 7: 1 pp. 9-27. DOI:


María Paula Lechuga Sancho, Alicia Martín-Navarro & Antonio Rafael Ramos-Rodríguez (2018). Will they end up doing what they like? the moderating role of the attitude towards entrepreneurship in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions. Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2018.1539959

Bergmann H., Geissler M., Hundt C., Grave B. (2018). The climate for entrepreneurship at higher education institutions. Research Policy, forthcoming.

Gubik, S.A., Bartha, Z. (2018). The role of university in influencing the entrepreneurial intention of university students. International Entrepreneurship 4. 3. pp. 177-188.


Brändle L., Berger E.S.C., Golla S., Kuckertz A. (2017). I am what I am – How nascent entrepreneurs’ social identity affects their entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Volume 9, June 2018, 17–23

Criaco G., Sieger P., Wennberg K., Chirico F., Minola T. (2017). Parents’ performance in entrepreneurship as a «double-edged sword» for the intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, DOI 10.1007/s11187-017-9854-x. – PDF

Laskovaia A., Shirokova G., Morris M. (2017).
National culture, effectuation, and new venture performance: global evidence from student entrepreneurs. Small Business Economics, DOI 10.1007/s11187-017-9852-z.

García-Rodríguez, F. J; Gil Soto, E; Ruiz-Rosa, I; Gutiérrez-Taño, D (2017). Entrepreneurial process in peripheral regions: the role of motivation and culture. European Planning Studies, Vol 25 (11), pp. 2037 - 2056.

Morris M., Shirokova G., Tsukanova T. (2017). Student entrepreneurship and the university ecosystem: a multi-country empirical exploration. European Journal of International Management, 11(1), 65-85. – PDF

Baldegger U., Schroeder S., Furtner M. (2017)
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Holienka M., Gál P., Kovačičová Z. (2017). Drivers of Student Entrepreneurship in Visegrad Four Countries: GUESSS Evidence. Central European Business Review, forthcoming. –PDF


Verheul I., Rietdijk W., Block J., Franken I., Larsson H., Thurik R. (2016). The association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD) symptoms and self-employment. European Journal of Epidemiology, 31(8), 793-801.

Smolka K., Verheul I., Burmeister-Lamp K., Heugens, P. (2016). Get It Together! Synergistic Effects of Causal and Effectual Decision-Making Logics on Venture Performance. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1111/etap.12266

Campopiano, G., Minola, T. & Sainaghi, R. (2016). Students climbing the entrepreneurial ladder: family social capital and environment-related motives in hospitality and tourism. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 28, Iss: 6, ISSN: 0959-6119.

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Sieger P., Gruber M., Fauchart E., Zellweger T. (2016). Measuring the Social Identity of Entrepreneurs: Scale Development and International Validation. Journal of Business Venturing, 31(5), 542-572.

Edelman L., Manolova T., Shirokova G., Tsukanova T. (2016). The Impact of Family Support on Young Entrepreneurs’ Start-up Activities. Journal of Business Venturing, 31(4), 428-448.

Sieger P., Minola T. (2016). The Family’s Financial Support as a »Poisoned Gift«: A Family Embeddedness Perspective on Entrepreneurial Intentions. Journal of Small Business Management, forthcoming.

Guerrero, M., Urbano, D., & Fayolle, A. (2016). Entrepreneurial activity and regional competitiveness: evidence from European entrepreneurial universities. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(1), 105-131.

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Gubik, A.S., & Farkas, S. (2016). Student Entrepreneurship in Hungary: Selected Results Based on GUESSS Survey. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 4(4), 123-139, DOI:

Zsuzsanna E: Horvath (2016). Assessing Calling as a Predictor of Entrepreneurial Interest. Society and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe. Vol. 38. issue 4. DOI: 10.1556/204.2016.38.4.5


Maresch, D., Harms, R., Kailer, N., Wimmer-Wurm, B. (2015). The impact of entrepreneurship education on the entrepreneurial intentions of students in science and engineering versus business studies university programs. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, forthcoming. PDF

Shirokova G., Osiyevskyy O., Bogatyreva K. (2015)
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Bergmann H. (2015). The formation of opportunity beliefs among university
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Knatko D., Shirokova G., Bogatyreva K. (2015). Industry
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Morris M., Shirokova G., Tsukanova T. (2015). Student
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Verheul, I.; Block, J.; Burmeister-Lamp, K.; Thurik, R.; Tiemeier, H.;
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Zellweger, T.; Richards, M.; Sieger, P.; Patel, P. (2015). How much am I
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Sieger, P.; Monsen, E. (2015). Founder, Academic, or Employee? A Nuanced
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Lena Bernhofer, Jun Li (2014): Understanding the entrepreneurial intention of Chinese students: The preliminary findings of the China Project of “Global University Entrepreneurial Spirits Students Survey” (GUESSS), Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 21-37

Lena Bernhofer; Zheng Han (2014): Contextual factors and their effects on future entrepreneurs in China: a comparative study of entrepreneurial intentions, International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM), Vol. 65, No. 1/2/3/4, 125-150

Gubik, A.S. (2014). Hungarian Students’ Carrier Aspirations. Marketing and Management of Innovations 2014:(2) pp. 196-207.

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